Livestock Module Example


We will start by importing AnimalData and the Exports classes, along with a few others.

from livestock_generation.livestock import AnimalData
from livestock_generation.livestock_exports import Exports
import pandas as pd
import os

Now, we set the path to our data and we will import our scenario dataframe

path = "../tests/data/"

scenario_dataframe = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, "scenario_input_dataframe.csv"))

Our Scenario Data frame looks like this …

   index  Scenarios  Dairy pop  Beef pop  Upland sheep pop  Lowland sheep pop  \
0      0          0    1060000         0                 0                  0   
1      1          0          0      1000                 0                  0   
2      2          0          0         0              3000                  0   
3      3          0          0         0                 0              50000   
4      4          1    1060000         0                 0                  0   
5      5          1          0      1000                 0                  0   
6      6          1          0         0                 0                  0   
7      7          1          0         0                 0                  0   

   Dairy prod  Beef prod  Upland sheep prod  Lowland sheep prod  ...  \
0           0          0                  0                   0  ...   
1           0          0                  0                   0  ...   
2           0          0                  0                   0  ...   
3           0          0                  0                   0  ...   
4           0          0                  0                   0  ...   
5           0          0                  0                   0  ...   
6           0          0                  0                   0  ...   
7           0          0                  0                   0  ...   

  Crop area  Wetland area  Forest area  Conifer proportion  \
0         0             0            1                 0.7   
1         0             0            1                 0.7   
2         0             0            1                 0.7   
3         0             0            1                 0.7   
4         0             0            1                 0.7   
5         0             0            1                 0.7   
6         0             0            1                 0.7   
7         0             0            1                 0.7   

   Broadleaf proportion  Conifer harvest  Broadleaf harvest  Conifer thinned  \
0                   0.3             0.05                  0              0.1   
1                   0.3             0.05                  0              0.1   
2                   0.3             0.05                  0              0.1   
3                   0.3             0.05                  0              0.1   
4                   0.3             0.05                  0              0.8   
5                   0.3             0.05                  0              0.8   
6                   0.3             0.05                  0              0.8   
7                   0.3             0.05                  0              0.8   

   Afforest year  Cattle systems  
0           2080           Dairy  
1           2080            Beef  
2           2080    Upland sheep  
3           2080   Lowland sheep  
4           2080           Dairy  
5           2080            Beef  
6           2080    Upland sheep  
7           2080   Lowland sheep  

[8 rows x 29 columns]

Define additional variables

We also need to define the calibration_year, which is the year reference year, the target_year, which is the year the scenarios run to, and the ef_country, which is the emissions factor country.

baseline_year = 2020
target_year = 2050
ef_country = "ireland"

Class instances

Now we set our classes, and use the methods to generate our data.

animal_class = AnimalData(ef_country, baseline_year, target_year, scenario_dataframe)
export_class = Exports(ef_country, baseline_year, target_year, scenario_dataframe)
# create dataframe for baseline year animals
baseline_data = animal_class.create_baseline_animal_dataframe()
ef_country farm_id Scenarios year cohort pop daily_milk weight forage grazing con_type con_amount wool t_outdoors t_indoors t_stabled mm_storage daily_spreading n_sold n_bought
0 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 dairy_cows 1.511850e+06 14.953000 538.000 irish_grass pasture concentrate 2.992828 0.0 13.589041 10.410959 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
1 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 suckler_cows 9.530000e+05 1.410959 600.000 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.842752 0.0 12.219178 11.780822 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
2 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 bulls 5.095000e+04 0.000000 773.000 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.654141 0.0 11.506849 12.493151 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
3 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxD_calves_m 2.486034e+05 0.000000 171.400 irish_grass pasture concentrate 1.000000 0.0 7.890411 16.109589 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
4 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxD_calves_f 3.537366e+05 0.000000 138.550 irish_grass pasture concentrate 1.000000 0.0 7.890411 16.109589 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
5 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxB_calves_m 3.201623e+05 0.000000 176.875 irish_grass pasture concentrate 1.000000 0.0 7.890411 16.109589 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
6 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxB_calves_f 3.189379e+05 0.000000 158.625 irish_grass pasture concentrate 1.000000 0.0 7.890411 16.109589 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
7 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 BxB_calves_m 4.059952e+05 0.000000 211.550 irish_grass pasture concentrate 1.000000 0.0 7.890411 16.109589 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
8 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 BxB_calves_f 4.041513e+05 0.000000 175.050 irish_grass pasture concentrate 1.000000 0.0 7.890411 16.109589 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
9 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxD_heifers_less_2_yr 3.465882e+05 0.000000 335.650 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 11.506849 12.493151 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
10 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxD_steers_less_2_yr 2.394694e+05 0.000000 434.200 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 18.465753 5.534247 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
11 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxB_heifers_less_2_yr 3.083219e+05 0.000000 395.875 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 11.506849 12.493151 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
12 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxB_steers_less_2_yr 3.092563e+05 0.000000 450.625 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 18.465753 5.534247 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
13 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 BxB_heifers_less_2_yr 3.908495e+05 0.000000 445.150 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 11.506849 12.493151 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
14 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 BxB_steers_less_2_yr 3.923286e+05 0.000000 554.650 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 18.465753 5.534247 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
15 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxD_heifers_more_2_yr 1.046702e+04 0.000000 481.650 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 12.765090 11.234910 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
16 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxD_steers_more_2_yr 5.823657e+04 0.000000 592.975 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 18.465753 5.534247 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
17 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxB_heifers_more_2_yr 2.021479e+04 0.000000 527.275 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 12.765090 11.234910 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
18 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 DxB_steers_more_2_yr 7.121757e+04 0.000000 624.000 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 18.465753 5.534247 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
19 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 BxB_heifers_more_2_yr 5.656799e+04 0.000000 603.925 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 12.765090 11.234910 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
20 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 BxB_steers_more_2_yr 6.266367e+04 0.000000 751.750 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.000000 0.0 18.465753 5.534247 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
21 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 ewes 2.137040e+06 0.000000 68.000 average flat_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
22 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 ewes 5.342600e+05 0.000000 68.000 average hilly_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
23 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 lamb_less_1_yr 9.603852e+05 0.000000 37.000 average flat_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
24 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 lamb_less_1_yr 2.400963e+05 0.000000 37.000 average hilly_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
25 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 lamb_more_1_yr 1.027081e+05 0.000000 68.000 average flat_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
26 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 lamb_more_1_yr 2.567702e+04 0.000000 68.000 average hilly_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
27 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 male_less_1_yr 2.400963e+05 0.000000 37.000 average hilly_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
28 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 male_less_1_yr 9.603852e+05 0.000000 37.000 average flat_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
29 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 ram 6.876000e+04 0.000000 86.000 average flat_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
30 ireland 2020.0 -1.0 2020.0 ram 1.719000e+04 0.000000 86.000 average hilly_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
# create dataframe for scenarios animals
scenario_data = animal_class.create_animal_dataframe()
ef_country farm_id Scenarios year cohort pop daily_milk weight forage grazing con_type con_amount wool t_outdoors t_indoors t_stabled mm_storage daily_spreading n_sold n_bought
0 ireland 0.0 0.0 2050.0 dairy_cows 1.060000e+06 13.800000 538.00 irish_grass pasture concentrate 2.762056 0.0 13.589041 10.410959 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
1 ireland 0.0 0.0 2050.0 suckler_cows 0.000000e+00 1.410959 600.00 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.842752 0.0 12.219178 11.780822 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
2 ireland 0.0 0.0 2050.0 bulls 2.191087e+04 0.000000 773.00 irish_grass pasture concentrate 0.654141 0.0 11.506849 12.493151 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
3 ireland 0.0 0.0 2050.0 DxD_calves_m 1.743027e+05 0.000000 171.40 irish_grass pasture concentrate 1.000000 0.0 7.890411 16.109589 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
4 ireland 0.0 0.0 2050.0 DxD_calves_f 2.480145e+05 0.000000 138.55 irish_grass pasture concentrate 1.000000 0.0 7.890411 16.109589 0.0 tank liquid broadcast 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
119 ireland 7.0 1.0 2050.0 lamb_more_1_yr 0.000000e+00 0.000000 68.00 average hilly_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
120 ireland 7.0 1.0 2050.0 male_less_1_yr 0.000000e+00 0.000000 37.00 average hilly_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
121 ireland 7.0 1.0 2050.0 male_less_1_yr 0.000000e+00 0.000000 37.00 average flat_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
122 ireland 7.0 1.0 2050.0 ram 0.000000e+00 0.000000 86.00 average flat_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0
123 ireland 7.0 1.0 2050.0 ram 0.000000e+00 0.000000 86.00 average hilly_pasture concentrate 0.000000 4.5 21.360000 2.640000 0.0 solid broadcast 0.0 0.0

124 rows × 20 columns

# Create dataframes for beef and milk output
beef_outputs = export_class.compute_system_protien_exports(scenario_data, baseline_data)

dairy_outputs = export_class.compute_system_milk_exports(scenario_data, baseline_data)

protein_outputs = export_class.compute_system_total_protein_exports(scenario_data, baseline_data)
/home/colmduff/Dropbox/projects/FORESIGHT/packages/livestock_generation/src/livestock_generation/ FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas. Value '8251442963.25' has dtype incompatible with int64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first.
  milk_system_export.loc[sc, "total_milk_kg"] = daily_milk * pop * 365
/home/colmduff/Dropbox/projects/FORESIGHT/packages/livestock_generation/src/livestock_generation/ FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas. Value '8251442963.25' has dtype incompatible with int64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first.
  milk_system_export.loc[sc, "total_milk_kg"] = daily_milk * pop * 365
/home/colmduff/Dropbox/projects/FORESIGHT/packages/livestock_generation/src/livestock_generation/ FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas. Value '8251442963.25' has dtype incompatible with int64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first.
  milk_system_export.loc[sc, "total_milk_kg"] = daily_milk * pop * 365
/home/colmduff/Dropbox/projects/FORESIGHT/packages/livestock_generation/src/livestock_generation/ FutureWarning: Setting an item of incompatible dtype is deprecated and will raise in a future error of pandas. Value '8251442963.25' has dtype incompatible with int64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first.
  milk_system_export.loc[sc, "total_milk_kg"] = daily_milk * pop * 365
     Scenarios carcass_weight_kg            DxD_m            DxD_f  \
-1.0      -1.0  652803287.105261    77397063.2663  95540884.900078   
 0.0       0.0  256991209.428068  54265229.395958  66986366.368411   
 1.0       1.0  256991209.428068  54265229.395958  66986366.368411   

                 DxB_m            DxB_f             BxB_m             BxB_f  
-1.0  106421442.081876  86751315.047085  158882596.689614  127809985.120308  
 0.0   74615027.024366  60823754.969018      166718.35959     134113.310724  
 1.0   74615027.024366  60823754.969018      166718.35959     134113.310724  
      Scenarios  total_milk_kg
-1.0         -1   8.251443e+09
 0.0          0   5.339220e+09
 1.0          1   5.339220e+09
         total_protein     milk_protein     beef_protein
-1.0   438945259.74796  288800503.71375  150144756.03421
 0.0  245980678.168456      186872700.0  59107978.168456
 1.0  245980678.168456      186872700.0  59107978.168456