Source code for

Directories Module
This module is used to create the directory structure for the CBM-Runner model. This is primarily
used to create the directory structure for the SIT when attempting concurrent runs of the model.
import os 
from goblin_cbm_runner.resource_manager.paths import Paths

[docs] class Directories: """ Directories class is used to create the directory structure for the CBM-Runner model. This is primarily used to create the directory structure for the SIT when attempting concurrent runs of the model. Args: ----- path: str The path to the directory where the directory structure will be created. Attributes: ----------- path: str The path to the directory where the directory structure will be created. paths_class: Paths An instance of the Paths class from the cbm_runner package. Methods: -------- create_database_directory(self): Create the directory for the database. create_cbm_directory(self): Create the directory for the CBM-Runner model. cbm_generated_input_directories(self, scenarios): Create the directory for the generated input data for the CBM-Runner model. create_goblin_directory_strucutre(self, scenarios): Create the directory structure for the CBM-Runner model. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = os.path.dirname(path) self.paths_class = Paths(path, gen_baseline=True)
[docs] def create_database_directory(self): """ Create the directory for the database. Args: ----- None Returns: -------- None """ os.makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def create_cbm_directory(self): """ Create the directory for the CBM-Runner model. Args: ----- None Returns: -------- None """ self.paths_class.setup_runner_paths(self.path)
[docs] def cbm_generated_input_directories(self, scenarios): """ Create the directory for the generated input data for the CBM-Runner model. Args: ----- scenarios: int The number of scenarios to create directories for. Returns: -------- None """ generated_input_cbm_dir = self.paths_class.get_generated_input_data_path() os.makedirs(os.path.join(generated_input_cbm_dir,"-1"), exist_ok=True) for sc in range(scenarios): os.makedirs(os.path.join(generated_input_cbm_dir,str(sc)), exist_ok=True)
[docs] def create_goblin_directory_structure(self): """ Create the directory structure for the CBM-Runner model. Args: ----- scenarios: int The number of scenarios to create directories for. """ self.create_database_directory() self.create_cbm_directory()
#goblin_cbm_runner creates these directories #self.cbm_generated_input_directories(scenarios)