Source code for goblin_lite.LCA_processing.landuse_lca_generator

Landuse LCA Generator
This module contains the LandUseLCAGenerator class, which is responsible for generating land-use footprints for climate change.

from goblin_lite.impact_categories.climate_change import ClimateChangeLandUse
from goblin_lite.resource_manager.database_manager import DataManager

[docs] class LandUseLCAGenerator: """ Manages the calculation of climate change footprints associated with various land use types. Employs the ClimateChangeLandUse class for specific calculations. Attributes ---------- goblin_data_manager : GoblinDataManager An instance of the GoblinDataManager class for managing goblin-specific data. data_manager_class : DataManager An instance of the DataManager class for database interactions. ef_country : str Country code for emission factors. calibration_year : int Base year for model calibration. target_year : int Year of analysis. landuse_data : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing land use information. transition_matrix : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe representing transitions between land use types. forest_data : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing forest-related data. DATABASE_PATH : str, optional Path to the external database, if None, default internal database used. AR_VALUE : str IPCC Assessment Report version (e.g., 'AR4', 'AR5') for impact calculations. Methods ------- generate_landuse_footprint() Calculates climate change footprints for various land use types. Notes ----- The wetlands category includes emissions from extraction and use of horticultural peat. """ def __init__(self, goblin_data_manager, landuse_data, transition_matrix, forest_data): """ Parameters ---------- goblin_data_manager : GoblinDataManager An instance of the GoblinDataManager class for managing goblin-specific data. landuse_data : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing land use information. transition_matrix : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe representing transitions between land use types. forest_data : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing forest-related data. """ self.goblin_data_manager = goblin_data_manager self.DATABASE_PATH = self.goblin_data_manager.get_database_path() self.data_manager_class = DataManager(self.DATABASE_PATH) self.ef_country = self.goblin_data_manager.get_ef_country() self.calibration_year = self.goblin_data_manager.get_calibration_year() self.target_year = self.goblin_data_manager.get_target_year() self.landuse_data = landuse_data self.transition_matrix = transition_matrix self.forest_data = forest_data
[docs] def generate_landuse_footprint(self): """ Calculates climate change footprints for various land use types (forest, grassland, wetland, cropland). Details ------- * Leverages the ClimateChangeLandUse class. * Employs AR value (AR4, AR5) from the class instance for calculations. * Saves results to a database via the DataManager class. Returns ------- None """ climate_change_landuse_class = ClimateChangeLandUse( self.goblin_data_manager, self.transition_matrix, self.landuse_data, self.forest_data ) climate_change_landuse = climate_change_landuse_class.climate_change_landuse() self.data_manager_class.save_goblin_results_to_database(("climate_change_landuse", climate_change_landuse))