:py:mod:`resource_manager.landcover_data_manager` ================================================= .. py:module:: resource_manager.landcover_data_manager .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Description: This file contains classes related to managing and processing environmental or agricultural model data. Classes: DataManager: Manages and stores various data parameters essential for calibration and modeling processes, such as calibration years, target years, and organic mineral soil depth. ModelData: Manages metadata related to land use. It maintains a list of columns relevant for land use data analysis and modeling, including identifiers and various attributes related to land use. Usage: These classes are integral to scenarios involving environmental or agricultural modeling and land use data processing. They help in standardizing and organizing the necessary parameters and metadata for efficient data handling and analysis. .. note:: This is part of a larger suite of tools developed for environmental data analysis and modeling. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: resource_manager.landcover_data_manager.DataManager resource_manager.landcover_data_manager.ModelData .. py:class:: DataManager(calibration_year=None, target_year=None) .. py:method:: get_calibration_year() Returns the calibration year. :returns: The year used for calibration. :rtype: int .. py:method:: get_default_calibration_year() Returns the default calibration year. :returns: The default year used for calibration if no specific year is provided. :rtype: int .. py:method:: get_target_year() Returns the target year. :returns: The target year for the model data. :rtype: int .. py:method:: get_organic_mineral_soil_depth() Returns the depth of organic mineral soil. :returns: The depth of organic mineral soil. :rtype: int .. py:method:: get_total_N_to_po4e() Returns the conversion factor for total nitrogen to phosphate equivalent. :returns: The conversion factor for total nitrogen to phosphate equivalent. :rtype: float .. py:method:: get_total_P_to_po4e() Returns the conversion factor for total nitrogen to N2O emissions. :returns: The conversion factor for total nitrogen to N2O emissions. :rtype: float .. py:class:: ModelData ModelData is a class designed to store and manage metadata related to land use. Primarily, it maintains a list of columns that are relevant for land use data analysis and modeling. .. attribute:: land_use_columns A list containing the names of columns that are important for land use data. These columns typically include identifiers and various attributes related to land use, such as area, shares of different land types, etc. :type: list of str .. method:: get_land_use_columns Returns the list of land use columns. Usage: This class is particularly useful in scenarios involving data processing or analysis of land use, where a consistent set of columns is required to standardize data frames or databases for further analysis. .. py:method:: get_land_use_columns() Returns the list of land use columns. :returns: A list containing the names of columns that are important for land use data. :rtype: list of str .. py:method:: get_geo_land_use_columns() Returns the list of land use columns for use in geo_goblin modelling. :returns: A list containing the names of columns that are important for land use data. :rtype: list of str