:py:mod:`geo_goblin.land_classes.wetland` ========================================= .. py:module:: geo_goblin.land_classes.wetland Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: geo_goblin.land_classes.wetland.Wetland .. py:class:: Wetland(ef_country, transition_matrix_data, land_use_data, past_land_use_data, past_land_use, current_land_use) Bases: :py:obj:`landcover_lca.geo_goblin.land_classes.landuse.LandUse` A class representing a wetland land use. .. attribute:: - current_area_mineral The current area of mineral wetland in hectares. :type: float .. attribute:: - current_area_unmanaged The current area of unmanaged wetland in hectares. :type: float .. attribute:: - current_area_near_natural The current area of near-natural wetland in hectares. :type: float .. attribute:: - current_area_domestic_drained The current area of wetland drained for domestic peat extraction in hectares. :type: float .. attribute:: - current_area_industrial_drained The current area of wetland drained for industrial peat extraction in hectares. :type: float .. attribute:: - current_area_domestic_rewetted The current area of wetland rewetted after domestic peat extraction in hectares. :type: float .. attribute:: - current_area_industrial_rewetted The current area of wetland rewetted after industrial peat extraction in hectares. :type: float .. method:: - co2_removals() Calculate the amount of CO2 removals per year for a given area. .. method:: - co2_emissions_wetland_drained() Calculate the CO2 emissions from wetland drainage. .. method:: - drainage_ch4_organic_soils() Calculate the methane emissions from organic soils due to drainage. .. method:: - drainage_n2o_organic_soils() Calculate the nitrous oxide emissions from organic soils due to drainage. .. method:: - rewetting_co2_organic_soils() Calculate the CO2 emissions from rewetting organic soils. .. method:: - rewetting_ch4_organic_soils_in_wetland() Calculate the methane emissions from rewetting organic soils. .. method:: - burning_co2_wetland() Calculate the CO2 emissions from burning wetland vegetation. .. method:: - burning_ch4_wetland() Calculate the CH4 emissions from burning wetland vegetation. .. method:: - burning_n2o_wetland() Calculate the N2O emissions from burning wetland vegetation. :param - ef_country: The country for which the emissions factors are calculated. :type - ef_country: str :param - transition_matrix_data: The transition matrix data. :type - transition_matrix_data: dict :param - land_use_data: The land use data. :type - land_use_data: dict :param - past_land_use_data: The past land use data. :type - past_land_use_data: dict :param - past_land_use: The past land use. Defaults to None. :type - past_land_use: str, optional :param - current_land_use: The current land use. Defaults to None. :type - current_land_use: str, optional .. py:method:: co2_removals() Calculate the amount of CO2 removals per year for a given area. return 0.6t C per year for 5 years for area drained. :returns: The total amount of CO2 removals in kg over the specified year range. :rtype: float .. py:method:: co2_emissions_unmanaged_and_near_natural_onsite() Calculates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from the drainage of unmanaged and near-natural wetlands onsite. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions in kg from unmanaged and near-natural wetland drainage onsite. :rtype: float .. py:method:: co2_emissions_unmanaged_and_near_natural_offsite() Calculates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from the drainage of unmanaged and near-natural wetlands offsite. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions in kg from unmanaged and near-natural wetland drainage offsite. :rtype: float .. py:method:: ch4_emissions_unmanaged_and_near_natural() Calculates the methane (CH4) emissions resulting from the drainage of unmanaged and near-natural wetlands. Drainage of such wetlands can lead to the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, due to the exposure of previously waterlogged organic matter to aerobic conditions, promoting its decomposition. :returns: The calculated CH4 emissions in kg from unmanaged and near-natural wetland drainage. :rtype: float .. py:method:: burning_co2_wetland() Calculates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from the burning of wetland vegetation and organic matter. This method focuses on CO2 emissions due to the combustion of wetland biomass, which can occur in various scenarios, such as land management practices or wildfires. The calculation incorporates two key emission factors: one for the burning of wetland fuels (biomass) and another that represents the emission factors (Gef) for CO2 emissions from wetland burning. These factors are sourced from a country-specific database, reflecting regional variations in wetland composition and burning practices. The total CO2 emissions are estimated by multiplying the total combined area of the wetland, the proportion of the wetland that is burnt, and the product of the two emission factors. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions (in tonnes) from the burning of wetlands. The calculation is based on the combined wetland area, the share of wetlands burnt, and the specific emission factors for wetland fuel burning and general CO2 emissions. :rtype: float .. py:method:: burning_ch4_wetland() Calculates the methane (CH4) emissions resulting from the burning of wetland vegetation and organic matter. This method assesses CH4 emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, released during the combustion of wetland biomass, which can occur due to natural fires, agricultural burning, or other human activities. The calculation involves two primary emission factors: one for the combustion of wetland fuels (biomass) and another representing the emission factor (Gef) for CH4 emissions specifically from wetland burning. These emission factors are sourced from a country-specific database to account for regional differences in wetland burning characteristics and fuel types. The total CH4 emissions are estimated by multiplying the combined wetland area, the proportion of wetland that is burnt, and the product of the two emission factors. :returns: The calculated CH4 emissions (in tonnes) from the burning of wetlands. This is determined by considering the combined wetland area, the share of wetlands burnt, and the specific emission factors for wetland fuel burning and general CH4 emissions. :rtype: float .. py:method:: burning_n2o_wetland() Calculates the nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions resulting from the burning of wetland vegetation and organic matter. Wetland burning can be a significant source of N2O, a potent greenhouse gas, especially when it involves the combustion of peat and other nitrogen-rich organic materials. This method incorporates two emission factors: one for the combustion of wetland fuels (biomass) and another for the emission factor (Gef) specific to N2O emissions from wetland burning. These emission factors are obtained from a country-specific database, which accounts for variations in wetland types and burning practices across different regions. The total N2O emissions are estimated by multiplying the combined area of the wetland, the proportion of the wetland that is burnt, and the product of the two emission factors. :returns: The calculated N2O emissions (in tonnes) from the burning of wetlands. The computation takes into account the combined wetland area, the proportion of wetlands burnt, and the respective emission factors for wetland fuel burning and general N2O emissions. :rtype: float