:py:mod:`geo_goblin.land_classes.soc` ===================================== .. py:module:: geo_goblin.land_classes.soc Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: geo_goblin.land_classes.soc.SOC .. py:class:: SOC(ef_country, land_use_data, past_land_use_data, transition_matrix_data, current_land_use, past_land_use) .. py:method:: get_time_period() Calculates the time period between the current and past land use data. :returns: The time period in years. :rtype: int .. py:method:: compute_SOC_ref_for_land_use() Computes the reference SOC for the current land use category. :returns: The reference SOC value. :rtype: float .. py:method:: compute_land_use_change_total_area() Computes the total area converted from the past land use to the current land use. :returns: The annual area converted. :rtype: float .. py:method:: compute_emission_factor_from_mineral_soils(land_use_name) Computes the emission factor from mineral soils for a given land use category. :param land_use_name: The name of the land use category. :type land_use_name: str :returns: The emission factor from mineral soils. :rtype: float .. py:method:: compute_emissions_from_mineral_soils_in_land_use_change() Computes the emissions from mineral soils during land use change. :returns: The total emissions from mineral soils. :rtype: float