:py:mod:`geo_goblin.land_classes.landuse` ========================================= .. py:module:: geo_goblin.land_classes.landuse Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: geo_goblin.land_classes.landuse.LandUse .. py:class:: LandUse(ef_country, transition_matrix_data, land_use_data, past_land_use_data, past_land_use=None, current_land_use=None) The LandUse class is designed to analyze and calculate various aspects of land use and land use change, focusing on their environmental impact in terms of emissions and land area transitions. This class processes data related to different land use categories, considering both historical (past) and future (projected) land use scenarios, to understand the dynamics of land use changes and their environmental consequences. :param ef_country: The country for which the land use data is being analyzed. Essential for loading country-specific data and emission factors. :type ef_country: str :param transition_matrix_data: An instance of TransitionMatrixData class containing data for transitions between different land use categories over time. :type transition_matrix_data: TransitionMatrixData :param land_use_data: Land use transition data for future scenarios. :param past_land_use_data: Data representing current or past land use scenarios. :param past_land_use: The past land use category. Defaults to None. :type past_land_use: str, optional :param current_land_use: The current/future land use category. Defaults to None. :type current_land_use: str, optional .. py:method:: get_time_period() Calculates the time period between the current (or future) and past land use scenarios. This period helps in understanding the duration over which land use changes have occurred or are projected to occur. :returns: The time period in years between the current (or future) and past land use data. :rtype: int .. py:method:: compute_land_use_annual_area() Calculates the annual area that has been or is projected to be converted from the past land use to the current (or future) land use category. This calculation is crucial for understanding the rate of land use change on an annual basis. :returns: The annual area converted (in hectares) from past to current (or future) land use, averaged over the time period. :rtype: float .. py:method:: get_total_grassland_transition_area() Retrieves the total area that has transitioned or is projected to transition from the grassland use category to the current (or future) land use category. This measure is vital for assessing the scale of land use change. :returns: The total transition area (in hectares) between the past and current (or future) land use categories. :rtype: float .. py:method:: compute_total_land_use_area() Computes the total area covered by the current (or future) land use category. This measurement provides insight into the extent of a specific land use type within the selected region or country. :returns: The total area (in hectares) covered by the current (or future) land use category. :rtype: float