:py:mod:`geo_goblin.land_classes.grassland` =========================================== .. py:module:: geo_goblin.land_classes.grassland Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: geo_goblin.land_classes.grassland.Grassland .. py:class:: Grassland(ef_country, transition_matrix_data, land_use_data, past_land_use_data, past_land_use, current_land_use) Bases: :py:obj:`landcover_lca.geo_goblin.land_classes.landuse.LandUse` A class representing grassland land use. .. attribute:: - ef_country The country-specific emission factors. .. attribute:: - transition_matrix_data The transition matrix data. .. attribute:: - land_use_data The land use data. .. attribute:: - past_land_use_data The past land use data. .. attribute:: - past_land_use The past land use. .. attribute:: - current_land_use The current land use. .. attribute:: - current_area The current area of grassland. .. attribute:: - current_area_drained The current area of drained grassland. .. method:: - mineral_co2_in_grassland() Calculate the CO2 emissions from mineral soils in grassland. .. method:: - drainage_co2_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculate the CO2 emissions from the drainage of organic soils in grassland. .. method:: - drainage_ch4_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculate the CH4 emissions from the drainage of organic soils in grassland. .. method:: - drainage_n2O_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculate the N2O emissions from the drainage of organic soils in grassland. .. method:: - rewetting_co2_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculate the CO2 emissions from the rewetting of organic soils in grassland. .. method:: - rewetting_ch4_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculate the CH4 emissions from the rewetting of organic soils in grassland. .. method:: - burning_co2_grassland() Calculate the CO2 emissions from the burning of grassland. .. method:: - burning_ch4_grassland() Calculate the CH4 emissions from the burning of grassland. .. method:: - burning_n2o_grassland() Calculate the N2O emissions from the burning of grassland. :param - ef_country: The country for which the emissions factors are calculated. :type - ef_country: str :param - transition_matrix_data: The transition matrix data. :type - transition_matrix_data: dict :param - land_use_data: The land use data. :type - land_use_data: dict :param - past_land_use_data: The past land use data. :type - past_land_use_data: dict :param - past_land_use: The past land use. Defaults to None. :type - past_land_use: str, optional :param - current_land_use: The current land use. Defaults to None. :type - current_land_use: str, optional .. py:method:: mineral_co2_in_grassland() Calculate the CO2 removals from mineral soils in grassland. This uses and implied emission factor based on Ireland's national inventory reporting. :returns: The CO2 removals in kg from mineral soils in grassland. :rtype: float .. py:method:: drainage_co2_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculates the carbon dioxide (CO2) onsite and offsite emissions resulting from the drainage of organic soils in grassland areas. Draining organic soils can lead to significant CO2 emissions. This process exposes previously waterlogged organic matter to oxygen, accelerating its decomposition and releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere. This method focuses specifically on CO2 emissions from on-site sources in grasslands where organic soils have been drained. The emission factor used for this calculation is tailored to the specific conditions of drained grasslands, reflecting the typical rate of CO2 emissions per unit area for such land use change. The emission factors are obtained from a country-specific database of emission factors, ensuring the calculation is representative of regional characteristics and land management practices. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions in kg resulting from the drainage of organic soils in grassland areas. The emissions are based on the current area of drained land and the specific emission factor for CO2 emissions from grassland drainage. :rtype: float .. py:method:: drainage_onsite_co2_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from the drainage of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. Draining organic soils can lead to significant CO2 emissions. This process exposes previously waterlogged organic matter to oxygen, accelerating its decomposition and releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere. This method focuses specifically on CO2 emissions from on-site sources in grasslands where organic soils have been drained. The emission factor used for this calculation is tailored to the specific conditions of drained grasslands, reflecting the typical rate of CO2 emissions per unit area for such land use change. The emission factor is obtained from a country-specific database of emission factors, ensuring the calculation is representative of regional characteristics and land management practices. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions in kg resulting from the drainage of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. The emissions are based on the current area of drained land and the specific emission factor for CO2 emissions from grassland drainage. :rtype: float .. py:method:: drainage_offsite_co2_organic_soils_in_grassland() Cacluates the offsite CO2 emissions, in the form of Disolved Organic Carbon (DOC) from the drainage of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. A tier 1 approach is used to estimate the DOC emissions from the drained organic soils in grasslands. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions in kg resulting from the drainage of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. The emissions are based on the current area of drained land and the specific emission factor for CO2 emissions from grassland drainage. :rtype: float .. py:method:: drainage_ch4_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculates the methane (CH4) emissions resulting from the drainage of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. The drainage of organic soils can significantly increase CH4 emissions due to the exposure of previously waterlogged organic matter to conditions that promote methane production. Emission factors are sourced from a country-specific database, ensuring that the emissions estimation is relevant to the regional characteristics of grassland drainage. :returns: The calculated CH4 emissions in kg from organic soils in grassland areas. The emissions are based on the current area of drained land and a combination of the emission factors for land drainage and ditch drainage. :rtype: float .. py:method:: drainage_n2O_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculates the nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions resulting from the drainage of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. Drainage of organic soils in grasslands can lead to increased N2O emissions. This is due to the changes in soil conditions that promote nitrification and denitrification processes, which are major sources of N2O emissions. This method estimates N2O emissions by applying an emission factor specific to grassland drainage. :returns: The calculated N2O emissions in kg resulting from the drainage of organic soils in grassland areas. The emissions are based on the current area of drained land and the specific emission factors for N2O emissions from grassland drainage. :rtype: float .. py:method:: rewetting_co2_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions/removals resulting from the rewetting of drained rich and poor organic soils in grassland areas. This method considers two key emission reduction factors: direct on-site CO2 emissions/removals due to rewetting and the CO2 emissions related to dissolved organic carbon (DOC). :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions/removals in kg reductions resulting from the rewetting of organic soils in grassland areas. :rtype: float .. py:method:: rewetting_co2_onsite_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from the rewetting of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. This method focuses specifically on CO2 emissions from on-site sources in grasslands where organic soils have been rewetted. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions in kg resulting from the rewetting of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. The emissions are based on the current area of rewetted land and the specific emission factors for CO2 emissions from grassland rewetting. :rtype: float .. py:method:: rewetting_co2_offsite_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculates the offsite CO2 emissions, in the form of Disolved Organic Carbon (DOC) from the rewetting of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. A tier 1 approach is used to estimate the DOC emissions from the rewetted organic soils in grasslands. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions in kg resulting from the rewetting of poor and rich organic soils in grassland areas. The emissions are based on the current area of rewetted land and the specific emission factor for CO2 emissions from grassland rewetting. :rtype: float .. py:method:: rewetting_ch4_organic_soils_in_grassland() Calculates the methane (CH4) emissions resulting from the rewetting of drained organic soils in grassland areas. Rewetting such soils, particularly in areas previously used as peatlands or other wetlands, can lead to an increase in CH4 emissions. This is due to the creation of anaerobic conditions favorable for methanogenesis (methane production) in waterlogged soils. This method utilizes an emission factor that specifically quantifies the rate of CH4 emissions per unit area resulting from the rewetting of organic soils in grassland environments. The emission factor is sourced from a country-specific database, accounting for variations in soil types, previous land use practices, and climatic conditions. The total CH4 emissions are estimated based on the total area of grasslands undergoing transition from drained to rewetted conditions and the emission factor for grassland rewetting. :returns: The calculated CH4 emissions resulting from the rewetting of organic soils in grassland areas. The emissions are based on the total transition area and the specific emission factor for CH4 emissions from grassland rewetting. :rtype: float .. py:method:: burning_co2_grassland() Calculates the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions resulting from the burning of grasslands. This method assesses CO2 emissions from two types of soil in grasslands: mineral soils and drained organic soils. The emission calculation is based on the formula πΏπ‘“π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘’ = 𝐴 βˆ™ 𝑀𝐡 βˆ™ 𝐢𝑓 βˆ™ 𝐺𝑒𝑓 βˆ™ 10^βˆ’3, where A is the area, MB is the biomass, Cf is the combustion factor, and Gef is the emission factor. The combustion factor (Cf) is assumed to be 1.0, indicating that all available fuel (biomass) is burned. The method involves multiplying the area of grassland burned by the emission factors for CO2 emissions from both mineral and drained organic soils. Emission factors are sourced from a country-specific database, reflecting regional variations in grassland composition and burning characteristics. :returns: The calculated CO2 emissions (in tonnes) from the burning of grasslands, including both mineral soils and drained organic soils. The calculation considers the area of each soil type that is burned and their respective emission factors. :rtype: float .. py:method:: burning_ch4_grassland() Calculates the methane (CH4) emissions resulting from the burning of grasslands. This method evaluates CH4 emissions from two types of soil in grasslands: mineral soils and drained organic soils. The calculation formula used is πΏπ‘“π‘–π‘Ÿπ‘’ = 𝐴 βˆ™ 𝑀𝐡 βˆ™ 𝐢𝑓 βˆ™ 𝐺𝑒𝑓 βˆ™ 10^βˆ’3, where A represents the area, MB is the biomass, Cf is the combustion factor, and Gef is the emission factor. The combustion factor (Cf) is assumed to be 1.0, signifying that all available fuel (biomass) is burned. The method involves multiplying the area of grassland burned by the emission factors for CH4 emissions from both mineral and drained organic soils. Emission factors are obtained from a country-specific database, which takes into account regional differences in grassland composition and burning characteristics. :returns: The calculated CH4 emissions (in tonnes) from the burning of grasslands, comprising both mineral soils and drained organic soils. The calculation involves considering the area of each soil type that is burned and their respective emission factors. :rtype: float .. py:method:: burning_n2o_grassland() Calculates the nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions resulting from the burning of grasslands. This method assesses N2O emissions from two types of soil in grasslands: mineral soils and drained organic soils. The combustion factor (Cf) is assumed to be 1.0, signifying that all available fuel (biomass) is burned. Emission factors for N2O emissions are applied to both mineral and drained organic soils in grasslands. These factors are obtained from a country-specific database, reflecting regional variations in grassland composition and burning characteristics. The method involves calculating the N2O emissions by multiplying the area of grassland burned by the emission factors for N2O emissions from both soil types. :returns: The calculated N2O emissions (in tonnes) from the burning of grasslands, including both mineral soils and drained organic soils. The calculation involves considering the area of each soil type that is burned and their respective emission factors. :rtype: float